My Worst Experience With An Escort Photographer

Submitted by _0 (not verified) on Fri, 06/12/2020 - 16:48

So much as changed and also remained the same since my hiatus. I've recognized a few familiar names and faces but also lots of new people have entered the market. 

In today's entry I'll be blogging about one of the things that is still relevent , the ongoing need for a good photographer to produce new photographs/videos.

I need a phtographer who respects my time, produces my images on the agreed upon time and also charges a fair price. Unfortunatley I haven't had the best experiences with videograhers/photographers who specifically cater to escorts. 

My worst experience was a few years ago.  I was on an overnight booking with a very demanding , but also very rich client who offered to pay the cost of $3500 to shoot an escort video for me.  At the time it was new for escorts to make music videos. One had to be doing well to afford this type of marketing.  I enjoyed showing how well I was doing , so I happily accepted the escort video gift.

The Photoshoot

I was staying in a swanky suite in Boston Back Bay area that I felt would look amazing on camera . The hotel also close to the high end shops so very convenient for Mr. R to take me shopping before the shoot.

The day of the shoot 

The videographer and makeup artist had trouble finding the hotel so that created delays with setting up the lights and makeup. The shoot ended up running until midnight eventhough we were supposed to be finished by 9:30pm at the latest.  The crew appologized for the delays but promised to have my video ready within a week.

After a week passed, I was expecting to have my video in my possession or at least an email or text letting me know if their were delays, I heard nothing from them. Another week passed, still nothing. I started thinking to myself, surely with their online presence and reputation to protect they wouldn't be trying to scam me? They already had my $3500! What could I do? I was starting to panic and I was angry! My only leverage at the time was my 7000 plus followers on my old twitter account.  A month later, I finally got in contact with the photographer. He never apologized or even pretended to care about the delayed video. I let it be known to him that I intended to share this information with my other escort friends and my Twitter follows, then he ask me for three more days to have the finished product.

Three days later, the link to my video appeared in my inbox. I watched the video and I was so disappointed. Both the  editing and lighting were terrible.  

Over one month later and a loss of $3500, I felt ripped off.  The video was so bad that I couldn't even pay someone else to fix it up to make it usable. I believe that he sabotaged my video on purpose because I had the audacity to expect him to be professional and do his job.

I hope to never have such an experience again.

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