That one is easy, the kind that is too busy for drama, too busy for regular relationships, too busy to do the whole courting method, the list goes on but here is a shorter more condense version of some guys that love some of those beautiful girls.
1. Doctors
You guessed it, Doctors like to visit Escorts. They work long hours at the hospitals, they’re always on call, and let’s face it, they’re more than likely constantly be hit on. A lot of women don’t want to put up with that. Not to mention, Doc probably doesn’t want to deal with getting a prenup written in case the woman want to take him for everything.
With an Escort he doesn’t have to worry about that. He can get a wham, bam, and thank you ma’am then go right in to deal with his next surgery. Simple as that.
2. Lawyers
Who better to keep your secrets than your lovely little Mistress? Escorts understand the need for privacy, therefore it makes perfect sense why Lawyers would choose Escorts over regular relationships. Loose lips sink ships.
3. Men that Travel
Some men spend months on the road, months on the go, maybe even years travelling. They may not even have a permanent home, living in and out of beautifully expensive hotel rooms. Wives tend to want stability, a place to call home. Escorts however are always on call. As long as you’re polite and contact them correctly, they’ll show up whenever and wherever they are needed without complaint. I also think in my honest and personal opinion, they probably like all those ritzy hotels and the benefits that come with staying at them, I know I would.
4. Preachers
You read that right, even the Preachers get a little frisky, same as the lawyers, who best to keep their confessions than the Escort of interest. She doesn’t care about his religion, she doesn’t care about what the monthly tithe is, she doesn’t even care when the service is supposed to start. All she cares about is when her service begins and he pays his tithe to her. It gives the holy man a moment to feel like an ordinary human, where he isn’t judged for every move he makes, where he can just breath. With her, he can. She would be able to fill out his every fantasy… we all know those Preachers are some freaky-freaks behind closed doors.
5. High Profile Government/Military Personnel
Yeah, even they visit Escorts. Then again, I think we all knew that. Escorts really are the secret holders to society, huh? These men are the cream of the crop, the suits, the ties, those sexy military uniforms... I mean, um, yeah. They are going to want a pretty lady on their arm who they know won’t, once again, spill beans. Some men take their wives on these trips but others, they either can’t or won’t. So, they call one of these beauties.
There are many types of men that go for Escorts, one thing they all have in common is money. If a man has a lot of money, chances are he has had some steamy nights with an Escort or two. This was written with some humor, I hope you enjoy and remember, treat your escort with respect, contact her in the correct manner, fill out your contact form and most importantly, respect her privacy and safety. Enjoy!