Would you sleep without me? Sleeping with me would keep you awake! And keeping awake is what people in today’s at least western society do way too much of – to the cost of their health, productivity, and quality of life. Do you sleep enough? Or do you cast sleep down the priorities list?
Research shows that this society is living in constant sleep deprivation. And getting it to sleep more requires serious work. Paradoxically, even though nowadays people are sufficiently educated about the adverse effects of not enough sleep, most don’t seem to notice… and when things start going wrong with them, most hardly look for the cause in sleep deprivation.
Sleep deprivation signals to us by making us feel burnout. There’re people who think that burnout is essential for achievement and success, and as man is excellent at adapting, they get so used to burnout that they’re not aware that they’re exhausted, which makes being tired the new norm. Some people view sleep as boring – to them sleeping little is an act of pride, they say ‘we don’t need to sleep!’. But there’s huge economic cost to not sleeping enough – we think we sacrifice sleep for productivity, but we lose productivity to sickness, weakness, health risks listed below, and poorer mental capacity. People’s addiction to technology doesn’t help either – people find it harder to pick a time to disconnect and go to sleep,
But we’re not machines – we cannot minimize downtime. Most of us need 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Everyone has their optimal amount of sleep time. Transition to sleep affects its quality. If we wake up at night, there’s no need to stress about it. Segmented sleep is absolutely normal. But if we don’t slow our brains down before sleep, it activates immediately on waking up. If you wake up at night, have a drink of water and do not go to your technological devices nor any other work. Enjoy the calmness of the night and the fact that you have time to relax and meditate with no time limit.
If you don’t start sleeping enough, you may:
- be susceptible to viruese
- be susceptible to inflammation
- get Alzheimer’s – the lymphatic system of our brains functions best in sleep = toxins are washed away. No sleep = toxins accumulate in braincells = toxic buildup associated with Alzheimer’s
- get fat. Lack of sleep affects weight control. Sleep deprived people set the alarm to go to the gym = the worst thing they can do, because when sleep deprived, the body releases hormones that crave sugar and carbs – the things we don’t want to eat when maintaining weight. Keep sleep and hitting the gym in equal balance.
- get diabetes – connected to obesity
- get stress – hypertension – heart disease
- not be able to process simple info
- get outbursts of anger
- get mood swings
- have a problem getting your joystick to rise to the occasion
Many corporate executives / CEOs don’t sleep enough due to their workload, addiction to technological devices, and desire to play as hard as they work. But the trend is – slowly – changing. Many CEOs say they need 8 hours to be most effective. Airlines and the hotel industry compete who gives the best sleeping experience. The US and NZ allow advertising sleeping aids which make us stay awake while sleep deprived and do things we don’t fully or at all know we do… how sick is that? Chronic use of sleeping pills damages health.
Every person can dramatically improve their health, productivity, and quality of life by this simple freely available resource 2 all of us – sleep. Change your mindset about sleep, then change your habits.
- Sleep in a dark room. Darkness makes the body excrete melatonin – essential for repair of the body.
- Sleep in a quiet room. Silence is soothing and heals.
- Don’t have electronic devices in the sleeping room – they emit electromagnetic waves which are bad for us and our energy fields.
- Clear your energy field before sleep – it’ll help you fall asleep and sleep better.
- Don’t read books, watch TV, nor use mobile devices in bed. If you do, you’re confusing the brain – it knows that it’s in bed, thus thinks it should go to sleep, yet you’re making it concentrate on the plot. Therefore the brain finds it hard to slow down and switch off to the dreamland mode.
- Use your bed only for lovemaking and sleeping. Create a sleeping ritual – it will set a marking line for the brain between day and night.
- If you haven’t had a good night’s sleep, get naps during the day asap. They help us recharge.
Start sleeping enough – be happier, more focused, calmer, more productive, healthier, thinner, more grounded, emotionally stable, more fun to be around.