
Reviews used to be good – when people started posting them. And they still can be good – in some industries. But not in that of high end… read more »

One of the most frequent objections I hear is that men don’t have enough money to see their companions courtesans, mistresses, as often as they’d… read more »

It might sound far fetched on first hearing. But it’s definitely true – and would make many a woman cringe. Having a companion or mistress is healthy… read more »

…and hasn’t been for a long time. Where has high class gone? Why? How does a man looking for a courtesan tell who really is of high class? After all… read more »

Hey Y'all I am Back...  The Weather Outside is Frightful but Brat is so delightful since there no place to go, Lets call Lilith at her NEW or text… read more »

In conversations about aromatherapy I often hear the objection that people don’t trust it to cure their conditions more than they trust commercially… read more »

Did you find a link to my site in a directory listing? Or better still, did you find my site on a search engine and not in a directory listing? Then… read more »

Corporate life has taken and will continue to take it out of many a man. Aromatherapy – the application of essential oils and their blends – is an… read more »

When you knock on my door, what are you expecting to see, a fully clothed 0oiwoman or a woman dressed for a classy, upscale date, maybe its a woman… read more »

Most men want to spend their finer moments with intelligent, smart, sophisticated women with perfect bodies, flawless skin, immaculate presentation,… read more »

Different folks, different strokes. Those of you who travel a lot or live abroad know this adage well. It applies to every aspect of life. And high… read more »

Would you sleep without me? Sleeping with me would keep you awake! And keeping awake is what people in today’s at least western society certainly do… read more »

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