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HotBrandy Escort from United States » Wichita, Kansas
44 706 Total views, Last login: 12/31/2021
It's been quite the lazy day, nothing special or exciting happened, quite boring actually, well needless to say me and boring don't mix well together. All day long I could have thought of at least a dozen things that I would rather have done. Unfortunately being stuck with no way to move around cause my car broke down. Well there just one more expense I can't afford at this moment. Lol. This adulting thing is for the birds, I want to go back to a much simpler time in my life when I was worry and carefree, when there was so many things to do in one day that I didn't have time to do them all, when all I had to worry about was waking up and playing outside with my best friend all day. Yeah those were some good times! Ok so snap back to reality I'm an adult again now so let's do some adult things. Let's get together and see just how grown up we really are, let's play together like only adults can, let's do those things that our parents did when we were kids that we thought were so disgusting, let's make some noise and see which one of us is the loudest. Sound interesting? Well I'm only a call or a text away. You know what to do. I'm waiting.
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