_0 Escort - Interview

Submitted by on 04/17/2024 - 08:00

Q:Do you have a list of clients that you see regularly that you have formed a special bond with? Would you feel 'cheated' if they saw another girl like how hairdressers get mad at you if you get your hair cut somewhere else?

A:no because i'm mature i know the reason guys see escorts is to have verity

Q:How do you handle first-timers or those who have limited experience with escort services? What are your suggestions to such clients to make your encounter the most enjoyable?

A:just b try to make them comfortable

Q:How do you prefer a client to make an appointment? What information is important for you? Is screening required before the appointment?

A:through text..how long i have to get ready.

Q:Do you ever get nervous before meeting a client? Is it kind of like preparing for a first date?


Q:What types of clients do you deny to meet? Are there any restrictions?

A:some aa young men. because they are to rough

Q:What is the strangest request you have ever had from a client?

A:pop balloons while riding him

Q:Can you tell us a bit about your first escort job?

A:was sleeping on the street one night and guy offered to get me a room inexchange for spending couple of hrs with him

Q:Has being an escort changed your view of men?

A:lot of guys are scared to be their real selves

Q:How long have you been working as an escort?


Q:What's the best bit about being an escort?

A:meeting new people

Q:What don't you like about being an escort?

A:the shame other people make you feel

Q:How often do you work per week?

A:i work 6days a wk

Q:What are your turn-offs?

A:the women gettingw

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Q: What are your turn-offs? A: Bad hygiene Q: How often do you work per week? A: 5 days

Q: What are your turn-offs? A: I don't like to have my hair touched Q: How often do you work per week? A: 1 day per month, I did not have time Q:… read more »

Q: What types of clients do you deny to meet? Are there any restrictions? A: If I don't like it, I think the other person doesn't like me and will… read more »