_0 Escort - Interview

Submitted by on 04/17/2024 - 08:00

Q:What types of clients do you deny to meet? Are there any restrictions?

A:Men that a dirty hygiene is huge for me

Q:What is the strangest request you have ever had from a client?

A:To have sex with a dog

Q:Can you tell us a bit about your first escort job?

A:A guy took me to a football game paid me 800 and I left that was it

Q:What did you want to be when you were growing up?

A:A teacher and a singer

Q:Has being an escort changed your view of men?


Q:How long have you been working as an escort?

A:8 years

Q:How did you get into the escort business?

A:A friend told me about CraigsList

Q:What's the best bit about being an escort?

A:I get to meet different kinds of people

Q:What don't you like about being an escort?

A:My clients make me feel special like my life is worth something

Q:How often do you work per week?

A:7days aweek

Q:What are your turn-offs?

A:Smelly guys liars theives

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