_0 Escort - Interview

Submitted by on 04/17/2024 - 08:00

Q:Do you have a list of clients that you see regularly that you have formed a special bond with? Would you feel 'cheated' if they saw another girl like how hairdressers get mad at you if you get your hair cut somewhere else?

A:Noooooo of course not, actually I could be one of their favorites but maybe I don't provide something that another provider would provide for him and that would be unfair and if anything my concern would be his safety in that he would go to a lady that I would definitely recommend to him because I would know she would give him great service and he would be in good hands and I hope the other women feel the same way because a few times I almost didn't need two amazing men because their past providers got very insulted when I contacted them and got angry towards the men and we're feeling I guess she didn't one try to sabotage your date and the other one just didn't respond but we use other resources and everything worked out great

Q:How do you handle first-timers or those who have limited experience with escort services? What are your suggestions to such clients to make your encounter the most enjoyable?

A:I actually give them a free 30 min no charge nothing they come over and I get to know them and get them to not be nervous

Q:If a client decided to make you a present, what would you be happy to receive? What is your wish-list (maybe flowers, lingerie, parfume, music albums, books etc.)?

A:I'm in a good reader and the men that have gotten to know me I have gotten the cutest things gift cards to Starbucks because they know like I love to go there with my laptop and just Ito do the Starbucks thing relax and I normally blog and journal which I'll be publishing those soon actually I absolutely love getting my nails done and also probably the biggest thing is Victoria's Secret and I don't mean just lingerie the perfumes and lotions I use on a daily basis even when I don't have a date I always love to feel sexy underneath my clothes

Q:What makes you notable among other providers? What exactly, you believe, you're good at? What makes your service unique? What is your favorite kind of service?

A:Honesty, this is a hard one I feel for myself of course I want to attract a certain kind of men especially when a regular is in a regular anymore whether if it's a move or it could be many thanks that happens and then I will start advertising a little bit more I feel what makes me unique is that I don't stress the fact that I'm a playmate I try not to label myself in an industry that's full of labels I'm not about making up some fake persona that is just not me a lot of women will disagree with me but that is me Love Me Or Hate Me doesn't affect me I know who I am as an individual and I know that when I'm on my date I am not acting and I feel the men that are my faithful regulars that always check in with me to see if I'm okay they haven't heard from me that's because they know that and they respect that a lot and they I mean go look at my profile I do not have proshots and I was at a point where I felt if I had proshots that that would give me more of a label to be elite but currently right now I just don't have the money that I want to invest it getting proshots I rather invest the money and something else

Q:How do you prefer a client to make an appointment? What information is important for you? Is screening required before the appointment?

A:By calling. Or Like I call them a quick love note. All in fun..Their name's, they're desires that are lacking from their life. Sometimes you need to know more especially I am very popular with the newbies .Men who have never done this. Yes, screening is.. I feel some profiles may intimidated man especially a man who's never done this before and he sees a list that's a mile long of things that he has to be or do just to even maybe get in contact with the woman I have my own code that I have follow and it works out great for me when I first started of course I had issues but you live and learn you tweak things that need to be sweet again each day I look at is a person a man and individual who is Seeking a special service for me so it's all individualized to be honest

Q:Do you ever get nervous before meeting a client? Is it kind of like preparing for a first date?

A:Yes and no it's more of like an excitement because I actually am in a place at my job right now and also because I am a very well temporary girlfriend I only see a few men so I have that luxury to take the day off and prepare to look my best and cater to any special requests you know I have clients it will send me such gracious little gifts like gift cards to Victoria Secret which happens to be my favorite store and obviously they've gotten to know me they know I'm very frugal with my money so I'll take the gift cards that they said me and buy gorgeous lingerie outfits just for them or I'll get gift cards to my favorite nail salon because I'm very independent and I live on my own for the most part I pay my own bills I pay for my new car you know from my day job so it is it's exciting when I get little gift cards and they tell me to go get my nails done or we're going to New York City go to your favorite Boutique in buy a dress for this event we're going to so it's like butterflies on your first date

Q:What sort of personality qualities does someone need to possess to be a successful escort?

A:that's another hard one for me to answer because who am I to say that so that's my answer I am no better than any other woman that's an escort or temporary girlfriend so I have no business and saying what qualities a woman needs this industry needs a woman who sincere a woman who isn't fake or robotic but then you have to look on the other side of it I am blessed with the luxury that I can be picky because I do have a successful day job and I still struggle with money very much so so this is kind of a diabolical question they need not to be shy reach out within your community ask questions don't stop don't let vile calls s or comments get you down because every woman is beautifu!l n)NOT only on the outside but, on the inside as

Q:If someone wished to become an escort, how would you recommend they go about it?

A:I would tell them to buy some books I would also tell them I don't know if girls have access to this but to definitely contact me there's a lot of people out there in this industry they'll use a lot of naive girls I'll give you advice if you pay me a lot of girls starting out have no money they're coming from nothing these are the women that need to be supported fully by your community

Q:What are your dreams, future goals and aspirations? Short and long term?

A:Even though due to money Nursing school is pit on hold. I happen to work with amazing Dr and we are considered Street teen volunteers were we actually go out into the trenches of some of the cities that are very high with homeless people a lot of them have Egyptians and we go out there and show them safety precautions offer them help food resources so I feel I'm actually doing a lot of goals right now to be honest I have a very fulfilling life I have to say.

Q:What types of clients do you deny to meet? Are there any restrictions?

A:Yes, I do. I honestly don't want to make this interview negative with saying a lot of negative things about men who I won't accept or don't accept so I want to keep it positive and those who contact me and you don't happen to go on a date with me or kindly just told the truth that we are in a match and I will ever tell them I am happy to find you someone that's more suited for you

Q:What is the strangest request you have ever had from a client?

A:I was offered a large donation because, he wanted to hog tie me. As well as use nipple clamps. NO JUDGEMENT THOUGH.

Q:Can you tell us a bit about your first escort job?

A:I rather not. I respect my dates privacy very much.

Q:What did you want to be when you were growing up?

A:A psychiatric nurse especially on an adolescent unit but life happens so I still will pursue that dream of course but just right now I can't but until I can I do very extensive volunteer work

Q:Has being an escort changed your view of men?

A:Yes and, no....A bit but, I don't take it out on the other men. That makes no sense. Look, the men that are vile and, waste your time, sometimes I have hear scary story's bit,doesn't mean all men are like that. I truly feel sad a human needs to degrade another human to lift their hurt or the insecurities that they may have and, using degrading language towards amazing women it's sad. It has made me more aware of things! I'm definitely not naive like I was again I've had things said to me that I never had said to me before my whole life.

Q:How long have you been working as an escort?

A:Almost my 1 year!!! Woohoo!!!

Q:How did you get into the escort business?

A:Never was a relationship type of woman. Ironically I do make a fantastic girlfriend. So, I get to help a man with something that he is lacking I get to be that amazing girlfriend BUT, IT'S just not a daily thing. After our date has ended I go back to my life. I do like having a small knit of male friends I see on the regular because, I contact them or they contact me in between. With advice seeking. OR we just check in with each other. I send little flirty texts. As well as pics. So I get to do this and, it's so gratifying when they tell you what a difference a simple have a great day makes ect...

Q:What's the best bit about being an escort?

A:Oh ,answer above is connected.... Before this, I was considered or labeled "Sugar Baby" I had prior long term affairs with married men. I only saw them at the time. If you have to put a label on ones online persona I so not like the word Escort. Temporary Girlfriend or your Sugar baby.

Q:What don't you like about being an escort?

A:The stigma How some men disrespect a lot of our ladies in the community. When you are new you have less resources to keep you safe. To all the men reading. I will speak for myself. My donations are very fair. I pay for a nice Hotel. I serve cocktails, and, always have something they enjoy. Like a platter of fried shrimp with different sauces....Something they enjoy. So getting a message saying rude sometimes verbally abusive comments when you kindly tell them your donation is so uncalled for. The advertising alone. Again, some ladies charge a lot more some less. Just need to keep pushing through it. Hold your head high and, don't let it get to you. I did very much. When I first started. I wasn't used to being treated like that. It's much less now but, it is hurtful.

Q:How often do you work per week?

A:Since I have a day job that I love. I do this on the side. That's considered a "low volume provider" So, simply I get to choose whom I have my dates WITH! I am a lucky lady. So I would say I have a date every weekend or every other weekend. I don't have that pressure Of over booking. I have my day job. Then I have a select few of men I see for dates. All amazing men!

Q:What are your turn-offs?

A:So SIMPLE - EGO Tripping NO manners when contacting me. Very rude texts are uncalled for. All the ladies in this industry provide something special. We are all unique. PLEASE, pick up the phone and, be a gentleman. A huge one. Having to repeat MYSELF. A lot of the women feel this way. NO taste, or no class. A person that can't feel compassion for another.

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