Escort-Ads has reached the #1 spot in Google

Submitted by admin on Wed, 11/30/2016 - 05:02

Since we launched the new website, our talented development and marketing team worked extremely hard and they did a great job with the 'behind the scenes' SEO.


We are excited to officially announce that Escort-Ads has reached the #1 spot in Google for many major industry terms and keywords. We are also seeing considerable improvements in our page authority, resulting better rankings in search engines. We are very proud of the marketing results we have achieved, we have had tons of positive feedback from you on the new site and our traffic has nearly doubled since we launched.



User experience, useful content, and mobile-friendliness are critical SEO success factors, we are continuing to implement improvements on Escort-Ads to ensure an even better site experience for all users.


Brand New Features Added

Several new features have been added, but two of them stand out the most.


We encourage you to fill out your Interview section at your dashboard for a more spectacular Profile Page. Answer the interview questions, so new prospective clients can get to know you better.

Check out the featured Interviews.


Why don't you give it a shot and add blog posts regularly?  You can add and write a blog about your experiences as an escort at your dashboard under Blogs. The best blogs will be displayed on our Home Page, you can receive prominent position on our opening page. You can attract a huge audience and new prospective clients with your blog. Help them get to know you better by sharing your experiences, your everyday life, your likes, dislikes, hobbies. By regularly sharing interesting information about yourself, and openly sharing bits about your life, your struggles and glories, you build trust and more and more clients will be interested about you, requesting to book you.

Check out the featured Blogs.


With over 21,600 escort listings we became the leading escort directory where escorts advertise. You probably have realized by now that most of your clients find you via the Internet. We recommend you to try our featured ad packages. The SUPER VIP Ad features you on our Home Page, it gives you a Billboard Position, you become our Cover Girl, and are among the first Entertainers our site visitors will see. Front-page ad placement will guarantee you millions of viewers and potential traffic. Imagine your ad being one of the first ads potential clients see. This will lead the visitors into believing that you are a very successful and high quality escort that is sought after by many.        


If you are new to advertising and online marketing do not worry we have your back, we have a whole section with tips and ideas on online ads.

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