Memphis, Tennessee is the largest city in the southeastern portion of the United States. It is the home of blues music and good old southern rock. It shares many music similarities with Nashville, and just like Nashville the cultural scene has been changing over the year but a lot still has to happen before the city can reach dynamic cultural heights. The escort industry, however, has changed quite a lot, many Memphis escorts no longer operate the same way they used to back in the day, this is mostly due to the sex and prostitution laws that currently exist in the State of Tennessee.
What the Tennessee laws say about sex and prostitution in Memphis
The Tennessee law defines prostitution as the exchanging sex for money or any other items of value. It is a Class B misdemeanor according to the Tennessee state of law. Prostitution committed within 100 feet of a church, or one-and-a-half miles of a school, is a Class A misdemeanor. Engaging in prostitution or just an attempt to engage while knowing that you are HIV positive is considered a Class C felony.
Memphis Escorts
Despite the challenges with the law, Memphis escorts still provide a wide range of sex services and the clients are always satisfied. They focalize in creating a safe environment that allows for a comfortable exchange of services with the clients. This is why a good number of Memphis escorts are shifting to online advertisements rather than keep up with the old street prostitution traditional way of working. However, there are still plenty escorts in Memphis who still practice street prostitution.
Street Hookers in Memphis
Street prostitution is still quite active in Memphis, Tennessee. The law enforcement performs some cleanup operations from time to time but that has not affected the old fashioned prostitutes and clients who prefer to solicit in the streets. If you are interested in picking up a Memphis escort the old fashion way in the streets, here are a couple of hot locations that you can check out:
• Bellevue, which turns into Elvis Presley Boulevard to the north of the South Parkway intersection. This street is one of the remaining streets that still features a lot of prostitutes and cost is usually $20-$40 for a hand job, $20-$60 for a blowjob and $40-$80 for quick sex.
• 3rd, Summer, Lamar, Orchi and National is another decent street to pick up hot looking prostitutes in Memphis.
Brothels in Memphis
Because of the sex and prostitution laws, classic brothels like the ones found in Amsterdam are nowhere to be seen in Memphis. If you are looking for a brothel like kind of setup your best chance at getting it is to visit some of the many erotic massage parlors that exist in Memphis. In these special massage parlors, you can get more than just a massage if you are willing to pay for it.