Escort Tips - How to be safe and successful?

Submitted by admin on Mon, 10/17/2016 - 17:25

The most important thing in running a successful escort business is making sure that you are protected and safe. You may be an experienced escort or just starting off but the risks are the same, you need to know a set of structures that can help protect you and allow you to give your service without fear. There are some strategies and structures that can be used to ensure escort safety.

Protecting your identity

The first thing you should think about when it comes to escort safety is protecting your identity, it may not seem like a big deal but creating a completely new persona who is different from your real self can go a long way in making sure that you as an individual are safe.

There are dangerous clients who can stalk you, and even blackmail you among other things. You also want to conceal your real identity from your real life circles especially if you also have another job somewhere or you do not want your community knowing how you make that extra cash.

The basis of concealing your identity lies in picking the right name and creating a background story for it, you do not need to be extra creative when doing this as too much exaggeration can repel some potential clients. Try to make the new persona relatable and appear as real as possible.

When you have your work identity in place, you need to stick to it and use it on everything that concerns your business be it advertising, meeting with clients or interacting with other escorts.

Safe promotion and advertising

Another thing many escorts take for granted is safe advertising. There are some malicious websites that can leak your personal information, direct you to bad clients or even scam you. When you promoting yourself you need to stick to well managed authentic and verified advertsing platforms like Escortads.

Escort-ads puts escort safety above everything else; in fact, the platform recently unveiled a special new safety feature for escorts to exchange information about bad clients.  The space is specific for escorts who registered with the platform, any escort who had a bad experience with a client can post about it so other escorts are informed in case they meet the same client or find themselves in a similar situation.

Escorts can use the feature to check on their new clients before meeting with them; a quick search can let you know if other escorts on the site flagged the client as unsafe. This allows you to avoid clients that are known to scam, waste time or even abuse escorts.

To ensure escort safety, if you have an unpleasant experience with a client make sure you also post on the Escortads bad-clients feature, you never know how many escorts you can help with such information. Telling other escorts about threatening clients, rip-offs, violence, payment issues among other things can be really helpful, sharing how to avoid and protect yourself from such situations even more helpful after all escorts need to look out for one another to ensure maximum escort safety.

Screening and selection

Most bad clients can be avoided by carefully screening from the very first contact. When a client calls you or emails you your vetting and selection process begins, try to get as much information about the client as you can without spooking them. You can use the information to check them out, a good place to do so will be on bad-clients platforms such as the one provided by Escort-Ads.

Setting up appointments and meeting with clients

When you finally book a client and need to meet them you have to exercise the highest of caution. First and foremost if it’s a new client always meet them at a public place of your choice, do not let a client tell you where to meet. It has to be somewhere where you are comfortable and can easily get help in the event something happens. Places like hotels, cafeterias, bars and social zones are much safer for first meeting with clients.

Sometimes your old clients can be dangerous too so do not take for granted meeting them, always be on the look out for potential unsafe situations. When you meet them watch what you drink, don’t drink anything that you left unattended or was poured while you were not watching. Politely decline any kind of drugs or related substances.


Most escorts who face problems with clients its usually down to service payments. To ensure escort safety you have to have a solid and safe payment plan. Since most clients prefer to pay in cash to protect themselves, you also have to take the payment in advance to protect yourself. If you let your clients know well in advance that payment comes first then you will have few problems with clients who refuse to pay.

If you work at a particular place you can devise a way to drop off your cash in a safe place before you begin working.  Being paid in advance helps you render an excellent service without worrying about being defrauded, and when a client is satisfied you will most likely have yourself a regular client.

Safe routes and exits

Another helpful escort safety tip is to check out the place where you intend to meet with your client before the appointment. Look around and see what escape routes and structures you can use in the event that something goes wrong and you have to make a break for it.

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