Worst meet who advertised to be. Looks and smells like she hadn’t bathed in months. She removed her dingy bra and the stench that radiated was worse than that of an abandoned cheese factory. I knew there was no possible way she would be able to get me erect. I gave it a shot though and can you even fathom this ? I was mortified when she pulled her panties down she was menstruating worst experience ever please by all means save yourself from this gruesome fat slob. When I chatted to my pals at work about it one of my fellow Waterford pals also said he had a lengthy ongoing “experience” with her describing Kira her as a terrible Theif, having her own vial Oder and was disgusted by her, nastiest choice he ever made WELL OL BUDDY OL PAL I 2nd THAT
All in all the old fart Kira is a useless fat stinking cow.
Kira Angel
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