Met laura at my place..... Since I had seen her numerous times before we were both very comfortable with each other... we dropped our clothes on the floor and started some DFK while standing next to the bed.... Laura is a great kisser.... my hands explored her body, and the kissing got more passionate. laura dropped to her knees and engulfed my cock.... she is soooooo good at sucking cock. watching her suck my cock was like watching a porn movie....lots of eye contact, lots of tongue, and lots of DT. I told her I needed to get my cock inside of her so we hopped on the bed... the kissing continued as I mounted her mish, and slid my cock into her wet pussy. she moaned as I slid in deeper.....and slow. laura really gets into it! we fucked mish for a bit then I flipped her over for some lazy doggie.....where I pounded her hard. when I was getting close I told her to suck me dry....which she happily did. I came intensely in her mouth and she swallowed every drop..... awesome time with laura!`
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