I had a terrific time with Rain. It was my first time with her, and with any provider in the States, and it was a satisfying and reassuring experience. The location is terrific, and the room where we had our massage was very sexy. There was a shower beforehand, where she scrubbed me with some of her homemade salt soap. I love that stuff. Then came the massage, with some more of her homemade massage oils. It was a hell of a massage. I'd had a nuru massage before when I was in Prague, and I've wanted another one for years. I'm so glad there's someone in the Twin Cities who's so hot who offers this service. The massage was a real massage, where I took a little bit of a beating (in a good way). Her naked body sliding over mine was fantastic. I was a little reluctant to push any boundaries, because I wanted everything to be enjoyable for both of us, so I didn't indulge in everything I would have wanted to. But the lesson I learned is that if I want something, I can ask for it. And it might all be fine. I loved my massage, and I'm looking forward to another one.
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