SWEET SONATA Escort from Latvia » Riga
49 894 Total views, Last login: 12/31/2021
There are those kind of people who simply make you feel good, who never judge and make you being able to be the person you really are. That’s that kind of people you would regret to have spent not enough time with.
I am on one of them ,
My Name Sonata
There is something deep inside of all of us. Something restless, animalistic, always searching for more. More passion, more adventure and more thrill. Can you feel it, too? So well, honey. For me, there is only one way to satisfy my hunger…
Let’s get lost in that feeling for some hours. Let’s experience that passion together.
I am often told that upon first meeting me, people feel comfortable and at ease. I am the girl next door with a warm personality, a sophisticated look, and sweet features. But I am also a sexual deviant who loves to tease and to play. True satisfaction for me is connecting with my lover and discovering each others pleasures. I am unexpectedly passionate about all things I do. Otherwise there wouldn’t be a reason to do it.
I provide a sensual and salacious girlfriend experience. Of course, you have heard about that shrouded in legend expression a thousand times before. But don’t let yourself me desensitized of the true meaning and impact of these words. There is no one being able to create a more authentic feeling of a real girlfriend experience than me. It is about the appearance of an innocent first date. That sparkling touch while I (maybe accidently) stripe your hand. That curious glances which get deeper and deeper while the evening runs it’s course. It will feel real and it will be real. That’s what I promise and I always keep my promises.
The reason why I do not publish a service list is that there is no “service” I could offer to everyone. The experience I offer to you can be kinky and cheeky. But it also could be soft and tender. It might even be something you never would have expected. What will enchant you isn’t which practices we will do and which expectations are fulfilled or not. The magic is that every date is as individual and special as you are. It is something only you and me will experience and what will blow our minds. So, let’s keep the magic of our first date. And it won’t be the last date, I suppose!
I believe the key of turning our date into a quality time is more simple than you would expect. It is about paying unshared attention to each other.
There is nothing in the world that makes us happier than somebody having real interest in us. Someone who really listens to us, understands us and makes us feel safe. But creating such a “safe area” for both of us is only possible through paying unshared attention to each other. Let’s get lost in our common experience and let´s leave each other with a mischievous smile on our lips. Sure, it isn’t about finding a soul mate. But let’s make our date our wicked little secret which will always have a special place in our palace of thoughts…
Some stats about me…