Background image - blurredKenzie_ Tulsa, Oklahoma Escort, , Verified Adult Service Provider, Companion in United States

Kenzie_ Escort from United States » Tulsa, Oklahoma

Female Escort EAID: EA215825 Escort From: Escort's from United States » Escort's from Tulsa, Oklahoma Age: 50
28 181 Total views, Last login: 12/31/2021

A little something about me... I am ornery, adorable and hilarious. Humility is clearly one of my defining features. I am real. I like tacos. I used to know eight jokes but I forgot the punchline to six of them, I still tell them but now I lift up my shirt at the end cuz boobs are better anyway. Also, I laugh at my own jokes so you won’t have to, but you will because like I said, I’m hilarious... and humble. In addition to the more traditional dates, I am also trained as a Nuru Massage therapist. If you don’t know what that Nuru is, google it. Then make the call..

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Basic Information
United States
Base City
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Incall Rates
½ hour: N/A
1 hour: N/A
2 hour: N/A
3 hour: N/A
4 hour: N/A
6 hour: N/A
12 hour: N/A
24 hour: N/A
Outcall Rates
½ hour: N/A
1 hour: N/A
2 hour: N/A
3 hour: N/A
4 hour: N/A
6 hour: N/A
12 hour: N/A
24 hour: N/A
Online services
Travel Destinations
Travel Rates
12 hour: N/A
24 hour: N/A
48 hour: N/A
Next Day: N/A
Travel Conditions
Downpayment in advance