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27 373 Total views, Last login: 03/26/2022
I’m a free spirited chick who loves acting, standup, working on a yoga teacher certification and just having joie de vivre. Virgo sun Pisces moon, I’m a sensitive, imaginative soul but I have a strong sense of humor. I’m pretty playful and affectionate and that comes to play with my main kink, tickling. I’ve known it since high school. I love most of what it’s about except the slave aspect, which is totally about the context. Other kinks include spanking, bondage, gags, blindfolds, I have yet to discover more. I’m a great communicator and I’d hope the same from a play partner/partner in crime/partner.. you get it.
I know you're out there - person with an unsatisfied tickling fetish. Let me help you.
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